MAI’s Dr. William Ellison and Dr. Jennifer Amaral collaborated with a group of expert scientists to develop a broadly applicable, transparent, repeatable analytical framework for assessing relative risk of anthropogenic activities on marine species, with an emphasis on the noise aspects of the activity. Drs. Ellison and Amaral contributed heavily to the conceptualization and development of a modular framework for assessing relative risk to marine species based on an understanding of the spatial-temporal-spectral intersections of animals and anthropogenic activities. Though created for use by both industry developers and government agencies to assist in minimizing environmental impacts during the installation of offshore windfarms, the risk assessment technique can be applied to the planning of any anthropogenic activity in the marine environment. This work was supported by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).
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In-Depth Engineering Corporation (IEC), teamed with Marine Acoustics, Incorporated (MAI), L3Harris Corporation (L3), and QorTek, Incorporated will provide a low-cost, and compact active and passive acoustic marine mammal detection and classification capability for the Deep Water Active (DWA) component of the Deployable Surveillance System (DSS). This research effort pairs MAI ‘s subject matter expertise on sonar mitigation system design, marine mammal population dynamics, and vocal behavior ecology with IEC, L3, and OorTek’s proven technical capabilities in developing novel active and passive sonar systems.… Read the rest
MAI is working with MIT:LL to aid in the development of AI/ML capabilities for a range of U.S. Navy acoustic sensors. This effort continues MAI collaboration with industry partners on the development of groundbreaking technologies.… Read the rest
MAI was recently awarded SBIR (N231-044) for phase one work in which MAI will team with CAE to create a portable, virtualized expeditionary AN/UYQ-100 USW-DSS unit that will integrate with the Navy’s Consolidated Afloat Network Enterprise Services (CANES) while also providing a stand-alone capability for real world and training tactical scenarios. This effort pairs MAI and CAE’s ASW and ASUW expertise with CAE’s technical capabilities, which includes, modeling and simulation, gamification, virtual reality development, mixed reality development, software development, hardware development, and database management will result in a powerful tool that will enhance the Navy’s tactical decision makers ability to employ assets.… Read the rest
Marine Acoustics, Inc. (MAI) has entered a collaboration with Jaia Robotics, Inc., a leader in low-cost, micro-sized autonomous marine vehicles, to develop a human portable UUV capable of calibrated passive acoustic measurements throughout the water depth column of common interest for environmental monitoring of marine projects.
The acoustic monitoring vehicles that Jaia Robotics will produce provide a versatile tool for obtaining aquatic acoustic measurements at multiple sample sites over a short period of time. This capability aids in the sustainable development of ocean-based renewable energy and the responsible development and use of the marine environment.… Read the rest