Marine Acoustics, Inc.


MAI is a scientific and engineering company providing a diverse set of government, corporate and international clients with a broad spectrum of consulting and engineering services.


MAI exists to provide leadership in strengthening technical knowledge of the ocean environment and information technology as a tool for solving complex marine environmental problems.


Our areas of expertise include a full range of environmental compliance services, undersea warfare design, test and evaluation services, sea test planning and support; all supported by an award-winning and internationally recognized research and development program.


MAI has played a major role in developing the tools needed to support the rapidly growing field of marine environmental management, providing support services to the US, foreign government agencies, and other commercial entities.

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Mai Featured Naval Tech And Training 2

MAI’s Naval Technology & Training Support staff provides a high level of expertise and experience in all aspects of naval systems design, development, test and evaluation, and training services.

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MAI is a world leader in the development of engineering and scientific models in support of both naval systems development and environmental engineering and science issues.

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Mai Service Support Services 2

MAI’s service staff provides the expertise to support an expansive set of research and development portfolios including program initiatives and on-going science, technology, test and evaluation efforts.

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Marine Acoustics, Inc.

Latest News

New Members At Marine Acoustics!


Marine Acoustics, Inc is excited to share that Garth Anderson and Shae Zaben have joined the MAI team. Garth is a retired Submarine Sonar Technician and Acoustic Intelligence (ACINT) Specialist Master Chief and since retiring from Naval service he has continued working in the undersea domain at several vital positions as a government contractor. Shae is a recently retired Surface Sonar Technician and ACINT Specialist Master Chief after 29 years of service. WELCOME TO THE TEAM!

January 29, 2025
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Successful Office of Naval Research-Sponsored Sea Test


Marine Acoustics, Inc’s Sam Kowalczyk and Rich Hering recently returned from a successful Office of Naval Research-sponsored sea test focused on improving the capability of our undersea forces. The test was led by Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division with significant contributions from the Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport, University of Texas Applied Research Laboratories, Naval Post Graduate School and MAI.

January 13, 2025
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Marine Acoustics, Inc. (MAI) successfully completed the initial deployment of five omnidirectional acoustic mooring systems in early August 2023 in southern New England waters off Rhode Island and Massachusetts. MAI is part of the team led by LGL Ecological Research Associates, Inc., who is conducting the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM’s) “Passive Acoustic Monitoring in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Wind Energy Areas” project. The project includes recovering, refurbishing, and redeploying the passive acoustic mooring systems every 6 months over the next 2 years. The objective of BOEM’s project, which supports the Partnership for an Offshore Wind Energy Regional Observation Network (POWERON) program, is to conduct long-term passive acoustic monitoring of wind farm construction activities and of the presence of marine mammals.

MAI chartered the MV Tiki XIV out of Lewes, DE to deploy the mooring systems, which each include an omnidirectional hydrophone and acoustic recorder. The moorings have no surface expression as the top of the mooring is about 27 feet above the seafloor.

MAI provides the geographic locations of the five passive acoustic monitoring moorings offshore of Rhode Island and Massachusetts so that fishermen and other mariners are aware of their locations and can avoid inadvertent interactions with these moorings:

Mooring Number Mooring Geographic Location
1 71°9’37.609″W,  40°52’17.358″N
2 70°48’30.675″W  40°50’33.595″N
3b 69°58’42.642″W  40°48’37.668″N
4 70°42’15.473″W  40°40’8.467″N
5 70°28’7.774″W  40°39’16.272″N


Please contact MAI with any questions or for more information (moc.s1739265516citsu1739265516ocaen1739265516iram@1739265516ofni1739265516).

September 27, 2023
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MAI Continues Collaborative Development with JAIA Robotics

Jaiabot Training

Marine Acoustics, Inc. (MAI) and Jaia Robotics continued their collaborative development of an acoustically capable JaiaBot with a hands-on training session for MAI engineers on the use of the JaiaBot. JaiaBots represent an advancement in affordable, portable aquatic drones supporting the academic, industry, and government monitoring and measurement of underwater sound. MAI’s development of a passive acoustic capability that will be integrated into the JaiaBot vehicle will allow for rapid data collection and acoustic characterization.

For more information, contact MAI or JAIA Robotics 

August 30, 2023
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